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Jeff Dunham Wedding Diet

Jeff Dunham shed more than 20lbs for his wedding – thanks to expert advice from the ventriloquist’s bride Audrey Murdick.

The 50-year-old married Murdick, who is not only a fitness model, but a certified nutrition consultant and fitness trainer, on Friday (Oct 12).

jeff-dunhamBut for three months leading up to their big day, comedian Dunham followed a diet 32-year-old Murdick uses when preparing for a National Physique Committee bikini competition.

The diet is high in protein, low in carbs, moderate in healthy fats and free of gluten, dairy and alcohol.

Dunham told People magazine he also did cardio six to seven days a week, working up to an hour and 20 minutes a day on a stair climber, plus three days of weight training every week.

And all his hard work paid off with Dunham being 25lbs lighter and the same weight as he was in high school.

The strict diet was off the menu on the couple’s big day, with Dunham feasting on chicken-fried Angus steak with cream gravy and Murdick tucking into her favourite side dish of roasted sweet potatoes with rosemary and pecans.

The couple exchanged vows  in front of around 100 guests at the Sunstone Vineyards and Winery in Santa Ynez. Dunham has three daughters from a previous marriage, while the nuptials marked Murdick’s first trip down the aisle.


This entry was posted on October 15, 2012 by in Body and tagged .

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